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How to Make Steel Rebar Pile Cage

Step-by-Step Guide to Make Steel Rebar Pile Cage

Make Steel Rebar Pile Cage requires precise calculations, advanced machinery, and a systematic approach to ensure structural integrity and compliance with specifications. This guide will walk you through each step of the process, highlighting key techniques and critical considerations for achieving a high-quality result.

1. Design and Initial Setup
  • Calculate the Disc Circumference: Begin by determining the size of the steel cage based on the project requirements. Use the formula 2πr to calculate the circumference of the disc, considering any necessary overlap.
  • Prepare the Threaded Steel Bars: Measure and cut the steel bars to the desired lengths. For accurate circular rings, place the steel bars on a ring-making table.
  • Manual or Machine Bending: Form the bars into circular rings, either manually or using a ring-making machine for enhanced precision.
2. Welding the Stirrups and Ensuring Weld Quality
  • Single-Sided Welding for Reinforcing Stirrups: When welding stirrups, maintain a controlled weld length of 10d to ensure durability.
  • Quality Inspection: The quality of these welded stirrups plays a significant role in the overall strength of the steel cage. After welding, use a ruler to recheck the diameter and overlap length, verifying that all elements adhere to the required specifications.
3. Assembling the Steel Cage Framework
  • Arrange the Main Bars: Set up 18 main bars on a supporting bracket, ensuring they are evenly spaced and positioned correctly.
  • Welding the Reinforcement Hoops: Carefully weld the main bars to the reinforcement hoops on both sides, maintaining precise spacing throughout the assembly.
4. Using a CNC Rebar Winding Machine for Spiral Bars
  • Spiral Bar Layout: A CNC rebar winding machine is ideal for accurately positioning spiral bars around the steel cage. Connect the cut section of the spiral bar to the machine’s spiral bar section.
  • Initiate the Machine: Start the machine and allow it to guide the spiral bars along the designated path, aligning with the steel cage framework.
  • Measure the Length of Spiral Reinforcement: Continuously measure the spiral reinforcement area to ensure precise placement as the CNC machine operates.
5. Welding and Securing the Spiral Bars
  • Welding the Spiral Bars: Once the CNC machine reaches the designated point, securely weld the spiral bars to the main bars of the steel cage.
  • Ensuring Seamless Integration: Attach the spiral bars to the reinforcement outlet and pre-weld to stabilize the structure.
6. Inspection and Spacing Adjustments
  • Equipment Debugging: After the primary welding, inspect the setup to ensure that the spiral stirrups in dense areas maintain a consistent 100 mm spacing.
  • Spacing Control: For non-dense areas, maintain a controlled spacing of 200 mm, adhering to a tolerance of ±20 mm.
  • Staggering and Spot Welding: Stagger the spiral bars at alternating positions and employ spot welding where needed to reinforce the overall structure.
7. Final Quality Check and Finishing
  • Comprehensive Inspection: Perform a final quality check on the entire steel cage to ensure all connections, welds, and reinforcements meet the project’s standards.
  • Secure and Complete the Steel Cage: Once verified, finish any remaining welding or adjustments to achieve a robust, stable, and well-formed steel cage.
Key Takeaways for Successful Steel Cage Construction
  • Precision and Consistency: Each step, from measuring and cutting to welding and spacing, must be executed with precision.
  • Adherence to Welding Standards: Maintaining 10d weld length and consistent spacing is crucial for structural integrity.
  • Advanced Machinery Utilization: Leveraging CNC rebar winding machines ensures accuracy, efficiency, and reduced manual labor.
  • Meticulous Inspection: Regular inspections and adherence to specifications are essential for producing a high-quality steel cage.

Make Steel Rebar Pile Cage involves intricate steps that require skill, precision, and advanced equipment. By following this detailed guide, you can ensure a durable and structurally sound steel cage, ideal for reinforcement and construction purposes. For additional guidance or to learn more about steel cage manufacturing, visit or reach out to us at

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